Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Utility RATE Relief? Not So Fast

Well there is way too much to talk about from the city council meeting. Heir Copely spending more money, on things he does not need, to impress people he does not like. What the H do they need a truck for?
Dougy Fresh Wilson (DFW) writes a story that for the life of me I don't know why is on the front page. Once again DFW writes a story but really has know idea what is really going on. There are 250 pages to this agreement between the state and the utilty companies, and I am guessing DFW has read zero of those pages. There is a bunch of wondering about how this will really happen and who will get what? And DFW answers none of those questions. But with a little work you can get the answers... here is what we found when we read the proposed document/agreement that was posted briefly on Emil Jones website. The agreement is very convoluted and will not be dispensed in a timely fashion. It will not be as simple as.......you used this many kilowatt hours so here is your refund. At the top of the list for refunds are major corporations and they are listed by the amount of electric they use and sited as examples in the agreement. No one and I mean no individual will see an actual reduction in the rate per kilowatt hour that they are paying for their current utility bill, it is simply not in the agreement. Large corporations may negotiate their rate but a city like Quincy will not be able to negotiate a rate for the citizens. And you as a citizen have no choice but to use the company that you have and pay the rate that is set. The so called rate relief is nothing of the kind. What you will have is a small credit or refund check that will be spread out over the next 4 years, that basically you are paying for with the higher utility rate. So the headline in DFW's story is an out and out falsehood..Let me say this so it can be understood......YOUR ELECTRIC RATE PER KILOWATT HOUR WILL NOT GO DOWN. See how much the utility companies donate to politicians and you will get physically ill.


Anonymous said...

It is NOT DFW ...It's Doug "facial hair" Wilson DFHW !

Damn man get it right .

The entire rate issue in overtime is becoming a joke . I really wish Sullivan would have spoke to US over the rates and GRT .

Doug in reality hasn't done his normal MISS every point job . Since we've been ass pounding him he has stepped it up a knotch .

Watch him on City Desk . He's not doing bad . He could do better .

And you left out his all important CAT FISH story !

No matter what Rodney says Doug with fishing & Ed with road kill are in some sorta QNI "time out" !


But the Cat fish story was a minor time out ...road kill in the hot sun


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Clever link Harold. A link fit for a King...

Anonymous said...

How about you delete this piece of shit

Anonymous said...

You're a lamer one-hit wonder than Kajagoogoo.