Monday, October 1, 2007

Fall Is upon us and now I have a bit more free time

So, we will be back, normally after Quincy City Council Debacle, err meetings. So no need to read the rantings of Took-a-licious. Or the left leanings of the of ABC.
Bring on the comments about my sabbatical, we just know that the content here is better than most.
And someone has to hold Doogie and Rodster accountable.
We rarely watch KHQA so don't expect much comment about their material. But They do have a nice new new set.


TOOKIE said...

Rodster is doing fine ! He's Dr fricken Evil so beware poking the Dr Rodster with a stick

TOOKIE said...

Hell you may have to take over City desk I am facing 5 to life for playing PUBLIC ENEMY !

TOOKIE said...

Holy shit you set a record .........

You make a come back and do one shit ass post ....then nothing .

You may need a cock ring or that fake pill they advertise with "Bob" so you can have staying power .

your blog is FLACCID

TOOKIE said...

When your finished sitting to pee .......

maybe you can do a new topic

Anonymous said...
