Monday, July 9, 2007

Tort Fund....The School Board as it was in the 2003 knew they were on the wrong side of shady street when this accounting method was used. But the accountant at the time was using the old "but everbody else is doing it" rule. Somehow I don't remember learning that one in any of my accounting classes.

I recently posted on the School board's wreckless spending and wondered why they were spending this money and not setting aside for the eminent failure that was about to befall them. But know, they had to spend it before they even had it and now they need it get the point. They borrowed $2.96 million dollars for a few projects and was going to pay it back with the 2007 levy...hmm guess where that money is going now.

I guess the Board will appeal this decision, they could not have been in a more favorable court, I am surprised that Slattery did not ask for this be heard in a court outside of Quincy.(maybe they can't) Nonetheless Judge Schuering did a courageous thing, and made a decision that will not set (or sit)well with some Quincy residents and officials.

Questions that I would like to know....Holly Wagner from the local paper reports that Slattery will recieve 1/3 of $70,000 dollars, that is about $23,000(so much for the school board telling the taxpayers that this guy is out to make a big chunk of change)

What the story did not say in the Whig or on any media outlet is how much the School District spent on attorney fees and who the attorney was that represented the district.

Holly Wagner also reports that all you have to do to get a cut of the 70 gs is to bring in your 2003 tax bill.

But I am left a bit confused with the whole issue and maybe you can help me out here. The School Board was spending money that was collected for another purpose. So they had this surplus of money piling up in the tort fund. When in fact what they should have done with this money was to realize that the residents were being overcharged and refunded the money. Instead they tried to cook the books or maybe I should say Koch the books and use the money to pay for some salaries of some of our teachers.

So the school board, that is trying to gain the trust of the public, just got a huge public flogging to it's image. It makes them look like they were trying to do something underhanded.

But we really don't have too much to worry about because the school board is hiring this firm that is going to tell them how to save a bunch of money on theur utility bills and that should make up for the 4 mil they can't use.

This is a painful lesson for the citizenry and the school district of Quincy......What now will we all see a lower tax bill next year or is this just a matter of wording things correctly so they can use the money for whatever they want. I feel the board's heart is in the right place, but man what a colosal screwup this is

I think the school board probably feels like this is a case when the right decision is wrong...

I always hear teachers complaining that they don't get paid what they are worth. Next we will tear in to a few of these teachers salaries and break it down in to hourly pay and we will see who is not being paid their due.
I can also count on one hand the truly interesting and engaging teachers that I had growing up in the QPS system.


Anonymous said...

Interesting sidebar...decision is rendered on Friday and it doesn't make the paper until Monday???

Rodney, I been tellin ya son, the headlines in your rag on weekends are written days in advance and not even a major story like this can cause someone to work on a weekend and write a fresh column.

Okay, Mr. Funion, you can have the last word.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame the district admin, though. The district is being extorted by the teachers union to pay inflated salaries.

The teachers union consitantly holds hostage the education of the district's children.

Anonymous said...

"You can't blame the district admin, though. The district is being extorted by the teachers union to pay inflated salaries.

The teachers union consitantly holds hostage the education of the district's children."

The hell you can't blame the district Admin. They are the ones in charge. I have watched for over thirty years the blatant miss use of the public trust by the bloated
bureaucracy at 1444 Maine. They love to sit on their little hill and preach to the taxpayers about how bad we are for not giving them more money to blow. Check out the product they deliver to the public. Just remember when they sold off the neighborhood schools. That should have been the wake up call to dump the elitist educational bastards who ravaged the Quincy Public Schools. Why not do some really deep investigation into the purchasing pratices of the former business manager and see why he was the highest paid (that includes under the table) and most powerful in the system.
Just another high paid thief who loved the power. And the QHW had years to investigate.............but the Oakleys loved the game.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Will they even bother with another referendum? I've never been a fan of Mays or Bemis. But I am rooting for them to clean this mess up.

Anonymous said...


Knowing O, allow me to have a heart attack on that one!

Isn't an Oakley the atty for the school district? Got his ass kicked in court Friday! LOL

Anonymous said...

Chicago attorney Ken Florey and Quincy attorney Brett Gorman
are representing the district.

Anonymous said...

It will be interesting to see if the teacher's union steps up to sacrifice...I'm sure they will.

UMRBlog said...

I have absolutely no canine in this conflict. I have read the appellate decision and would not want anybody to think the applicable law prohibits any and all salary money coming from the tort fund.

The key is the the identification of risks. In light of Columbine, Jonesboro, Paducah and Beslan it is impossible to argue there are no risks against which schools must guard.

Since the appellate decision became available in 2006, it is reasonable to assume that the QPS system has adapted its security and salary application practices to conform to the principles espoused by the Appellate Court in the Second District.

In other words, just because the 2003 system didn't pass muster is no compelling reason to believe the later years are all outside the purpose of the tort fund.

It will be interesting to see how it plays out.

TOOKIE said...

It is FUN to watch ! Like a NASCAR wreck !

Anonymous said...

UMR or Harold

What does this mean from the CC agenda?

An Ordinance Amending Article I (Officers And Employees) Of Chapter 13 (Administrative And Other Provisions) Of The Municipal Code Of The City Of Quincy, 1980. (residency to non-union employees, includes Burton, Camp Point, Columbus, Ellington, Fall Creek, Gilmer, Honey Creek, Liberty, Melrose, Mendon, Payson, Quincy, Richfield, Riverside and Ursa)

Anonymous said...

It means that employees of the city od Quincy no longer are obligated to live within the city limits, but if they choose to live outside the city they are limited to the townships listed. The Fire Dept union negotiated this as a benfit concession a few years ago and usually what union employees get non-union are to get.
So you can work for the city but not pay any taxes to the city. I personally don't care where somebody lives as long as they are a good and qualified employee.

Anonymous said...

That's bullshit, now the Grussey-Deussy -Reissy's that live outside the city can get hired on. Shit, like we don't have enough of em now. Just a way to perpetuate nepotism, what this either started off as or will end up being.

I can hear the dems now, "they're always complaining about nepotism"....., maenwhile going over which in law's, nieces, and nephews live where, and who will get hired to what depts. Bastards.

Anonymous said...

Can anyone shed some light on who needed to be hired that required this ordinance. UMR, why don't you find that out during your busy day of raping the taxpayer.

Harold Wig said...

I really don't think that it is a matter of needing to hire someone, but more of a case that there were a few folks inquiring why they could not live outside of the city limits if the Fire Dept was able to. But the Mayor could surprise me and hire someone, with out posting the job, because they don't have to and he is the decider.

Anonymous said...


You're already starting to fall off.
Don't be the Dump. Focus!

TOOKIE said...

I agree ! Harold may have to bring some A game or my links page will change to "Limp wrist pimp hand"

The image of Lamar from "revenge of the nerds" pops into my mind

Anonymous said...

See file.

They and their banker friends at mercantile ripped my trust account off by pretending to do legitimate work.

Anonymous said...

I talked to Bob (Slattery) this week and among our many discussions he said that he has not even come close to the $10,000 mark in his time and expenses in the tort case. The problem is that you have 3 or more lawyers working on the same thing at the same time, along with unintelligible billing practices being invoked (see at God knows how much per hour with "expenses". It's no wonder that the money started pouring in to those guys. They pretty much signed their own paychecks and printed their own money without any system of checks and balances to bring it into question. It would be interesting to see (which I would like to see personally) an audit of legal fees take place through a public petition since unintelligible legal fees are unenforceable.

Aside from that, you won't have to turn in your property tax bill to get a refund. The treasurers office is sending us the file from their property tax application (see
and I'll be assisting him in the technical side of things. It will be around 2009 before the refunds start rolling in.

I'll be putting up a "" site in regards to this case very soon.

Anonymous said...

So here it is.