Thursday, June 14, 2007

Kwincy Harold Wig June 14th 2007

Today’s misleading headline by Doug Wilson.
Can you really take this seriously anyone that remotely follows the news can tell you that Amtrak is anything but profitable.
Let's face facts. Amtrak, like every other public transportation and railroad system in the world, is and always will be chronically unprofitable.
Lending Amtrak money does not help Amtrak; it harms it. Amtrak needs a loan like an alcoholic needs a bottle of booze - the more money it borrows, the harder it is to ever become profitable.
Amtrak is a quasi-governmental agency; all of its preferred stock is owned by the federal government. Amtrak employs over 19,000 people. The nationwide network of 22,000 miles (35,000 km) of routes serves 500 communities in 46 states of the United States with some of the routes serving communities in Canada. In fiscal year 2006, Amtrak served an estimated 25 million passengers, a company record WTF Canada?
Amtrak always wants to let you know that they have taken on no new debt in the last five years and that their debt has been reduced by $400 million.
What they don’t want you to know is
Amtrak is currently funded through a continuing resolution
as the 109th Congress failed to pass an appropriations bill for FY2007; the resolution
provides approximately14% less than Amtrak was receiving in FY2006. InFY2006,
Congress appropriated $1.315 billion for Amtrak
Amtrak's fiscal 2006 passenger revenue reached a record $1.37 billion, and more than half of that revenue came from the tracks that run between Washington and Boston.
Amtrak says 24.3 million passengers rode its rails in fiscal 2006, up 1 percent from fiscal 2005.This is like a word problem from high school…using the information in the two paragraphs above…How much does it cost for each passenger?
(T+ R) divided by P = CPP
Whereas T= your TAX dollars or appropriations, R = revenue or ticket sales,
P= passengers, CPP =cost per passenger
(1,315,000,000 + 1,370,000,000)=2,685,000,000 divided by 24,300,000
$110 per passenger
Right now you can buy a ticket from KC to Chicago for next to nothing
316 Kansas City Mule Kansas City, MO(KCY) $17.40. This why they are not profitable!


Anonymous said...

Yes, Doug is a great guy but not much for digging out the facts. He has learned how to get paid and get by.

TOOKIE said...

OK ,

I may have to link this BUT if you do the start hot & end cold .....

I will send Senor to your house to PISS on your keyboard !

TOOKIE said...

Also Ownwer approval is GAY and weak !

Welcome to blog life Q-town only UMR and that fag OQ do owner approval

Anonymous said...

Fixing a bad idea is a good start

also picking a fight with Senor Bad ass @ oracle gives you STREET Cred ....

Trust me it works

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

You're much better served picking a fight with Senor Dumbass. Tell him you're getting your shovel out and he clams right up.

Anonymous said...

Why is everything in the good ol US of A always about commercialism and profitability at the expense of the consumer? Other countries support their passenger rail service and don't bitch about it. It is a community service just like the unprofitable Quincy Transit Lines.

In my opinion there are certain basic vital infrastructure that needs to have varying degrees of government involvement, control or support to maintain our society's standards for basic citizen rights. The environment, public transportation, health care, food safety and energy to name a few.

If you think government should stay out of it, then give me my taxes back because I am not paying the government just to line corporate America's pockets.

Harold Wig said...

Anonymous said...
Why is everything in the good ol US of A always about commercialism and profitability at the expense of the consumer?
To the clown that wrote the above post, this is what is wrong with your flawed concept of government. The government is not here to support you and take care of your health insurance. You must either be a teacher or have been on the government payroll in some for another at one time in your life. Trains are not in frastructure I am not opposed to the government investment in infrastructure. But virtually all of the money spent on roads comes from use based tax like motor fuel tax. You use gas, you drive on the roads, you pay a tax to keep the roads in good condition. Healthcare is not a right period! Food safety, now there is an area that is one of the biggest goat-ropes in the government, check out the number of employees they have and their payroll and you will know more about the wonderful efficiencies of our federal government. Listen pal if you want free health care and and government controls on everything learn how to speak french and move to Canada eh! I'd love to set or sit whichever it is down with you and debate this and listen to your liberal thoughts because I find it so very fascinationg at how one can arrive where you are in life with such views. Tell me why I should be paying for somone elses healthcare? Why?
I have never ridden a train in my life so why should I pay for it. Use based taxes is what I am for...And for your information not everything in the good old US of A is about profitability. Ever given to a charity ever done any volunterr work it makes you rich in other ways. Enough from me I might make a post if you can come up with something that supports your views and I will dispatch everyone with common sense and reasoning.

TOOKIE said...

HW kept his pimp hand strong ! I may have to rename his link if he keeps bringing the pain to left winged crack nuts .

Anonymous said...

tookie and harold pig, Why don't you give up blogging and get back to blowing Drudge and jerking off to Fox News

Anonymous said...

And why don't you get back to picking up TRASH !

Harold Wig said...

Matt Drudge site is okay but I prefer not to have my news ran through the sensationalist filter.
You need to read a little Colmes and a little Post and a little times, You gotta see Hairball with Chris Matthews every now and then and round it out with a visit to Dan Rather's site to balance the Drudge and Fox.
You don't know me so reserve your opinions or in the word's of Tommy Smothers "Curb your tongue Knave!".
You will learn soon enough that this knife will cut both ways. And no that is not a euphemism for being gay.

Anonymous said...

Your not gay if it's your D*** being sucked and you close your eyes and think of a chick .

Gay rule 101 supchapter a part 7